Monday, March 26, 2007

Know your blog's readers

If you have a blog and you want to attract readers and keep them on your site, there's a few things you'll need to understand about blog readers. Here's 10 traits that are typical of blog readers. Understanding your readers will help you create a blog that attracts and keeps more of them.

1. They're always clicking, looking for something interesting. If they don't find it within 5 seconds, they're clicking somewhere else.

2. They don't like to be forced into doing things that they see no value in.

3. Their personalities are varied, and they don't fit into a common category of 'blog readers'. While they might enjoy reading blogs, they might also enjoy playing football, but that doesn't make them 'football players'.

4. Some of them are actually blog spammers. They're the ones that bring no value to your comments section, and are instead trying to advertise something. You don't need or want them, but they're there anyway.

5. They even have addictions. Maybe your blog could be something they can become addicted to... Finding out their favourite blogs can help you determine the content that they'll read more of.

6. They have to be hooked every time you write. Because they're always clicking (see #1) you have to keep their interest in every post. One post that's interesting doesn't make for an interesting blog, but if every post is, then you're going to have more readers hooked and addicted to each post.

7. They refuse to tolerate fakes. If you lose their trust, then you lose them. Be authentic with your posts.

8. They love lists, but not if they're unexplained or unresearched.
Even if you get your lists from somewhere else, make sure you include an explanation of the list, maybe even a personal example of why the list is good for you and why you're sharing it. Make sure the list is worthwhile.

9. They have a voice too. Just like your blog is your voice, the comments they leave on your blog are their voice. Remember that they might know what they're talking about - since they do read a lot - and they might just be happy to correct you where you're wrong or mistaken on something. Listen to what they say, it'll only help you become better at what you're trying to do.

10. They'll be appreciative of your attempts to provide them value. If you show that you know what you're blogging about and the readers you're blogging for, they'll thank you for appreciating them, and hang around a bit more.

If you have any more tips of your own, please add them in a comment.

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