Tuesday, March 13, 2007

How to drink more water every day

You probably know that drinking water is supposed to be good for you. It prevents dehydration, cleans out the body and promotes healing. Drinking water instead of coke can also help control weight. But how do you drink enough to make it worthwhile? Hopefully these tips will help you.
  • Determine how much water you need

    This depends not on some industry standard, but instead on your weight and level of activity. Divide your weight (in pounds) by two. The resulting number is how many ounces of water you need a day. An average glass holds about 8 ounces, so if you're 200 pounds then that means you need 100 ounces of water a day, which means you need to drink about 12-13 glasses of water a day. A 2-litre bottle will hold 64 ounces.

  • Carry water with you everywhere

    If you get into the habit of taking a bottle (or other container) of water with you everywhere, before you know it you'll be reaching for it without a second thought.

  • Remind yourself every hour

    Try wearing a digital watch that beeps at the beginning of every hour. Use that as a reminder to have another glass of water.

  • Get a water purification system

    Purified water tastes great, and might help make drinking it just that bit more appealing to you. Be aware though, that as you get used to drinking purified water you might find tap water leaves a bad taste in your mouth.

  • Replace coke with water

    When you reach for that bottle of coke, just make a decision to reach for the water instead. It might not be as tasty, but it's better than drinking almost ten teaspoons of white sugar. It's also cheaper.
Some extra tips...
  • Add some lemon

    If you find the taste of water is too bland or boring, or the tap water has a bad taste, try adding a slice of lemon or a tiny bit of fruit juice, just enought to slightly change the taste. I found a most refreshing mix is adding a slice of lemon and a sprig of peppermint. Beautiful!

  • Drink two glasses when you wake up

    If you drink two glasses of water in the morning just after you wake up, it helps wake the body up and rehydrate it after all that time asleep without any water. Kick-start your day with water!

  • Water helps you look good

    It rehydrates the skin and flushes out all the toxins and impurities from your body, leaving your skin clearer, smoother and younger looking.

  • Water helps you control hunger

    If you drink a large glass of cold water 20 minutes before a meal then the cold will cause your stomach to shrink a bit, which will make you feel full more rapidly. Also, drinking more water means there's less space in your stomach for food, so it helps you eat less.

  • Vow to drink only water for one month!

    Once your body becomes accustomed to it, you'll find it difficult to NOT drink water! Also, by the end of the month you'll find that water tastes delicous, and you'll wonder why you took so long to change your life this way.
  • People with some heart conditions, high blood pressure or swelling of the lower legs (edema) need to avoid excess water. If you have a history of kidney problems, especially if you have had a transplant, consult your doctor before increasing your fluid intakes.

  • If you live in a place that gets hot a lot (eg. the desert) you will have to drink extra water.

  • Don't drink too much water while eating, as it waters down your stomach acid and can cause digestion problems.

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