Monday, March 26, 2007

Guide to personal finance

Many people don't know how to manage their finances, and they're in debt or just have no money, living from payday to payday. If this is you, then you could probably start changing your life for the better by managing your finances better. The young adult's guide to personal finance is a good place to start, especially if you're young, with plenty of tips that will help you. Some of my favourites include:

General tips
1. Maintain a budget to monitor how much and on what you're spending.
2. Pay yourself first.
5. Pay your bills on time!
8. Set financial goals for yourself.

Shop wisely
14. Compare prices to get the best value.
15. Cut and use coupons.
17. Avoid eating out all the time!

Monitor your money
22. Use cash instead of credit cards.
23. Get the best deal!
28. Never bounce checks.
30. Be selfish - never co-sign loans for other people.

Maintain your car
39. Drive safely.
40. Take care of your car.

The importance of insurance
45. You need health insurance.
46. Insure your home.

Making the most of your Education and Career
52. Know your worth.
53. Love your job.
54. Use all the benefits offered by your employer.

The art of investing
59. Invest your spare cash.
61. Plan for your retirement.

Everyone loves a few freebies
62. Get money that's owed to you.
65. Ask merchants for coupons and discounts.

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